Building Social Justice for Sustaining Peace Project: “Countering Violent Extremism in Bosaaso, Puntland, Somalia”

Description of the Project:

In recent years, there has been a rise in violent extremism in Somalia, The local authorities and government’s counter-terrorism approach, which tends to be heavy-handed has not only fueled violent extremist narratives but eroded the trust between the community and security and justice officials.

MR’s PSJ Program work to promote criminal social justice responses to violent against women and vulnerable communities through constructive engagement between criminal justice and security sector actors and local communities and contribute to achieving the sustainable development goals in particular Goals 5 and 16.

This project goal is to mitigate these factors by conducting a 16 month-long project in partnership with local partners and governments involving in these sectors. This project also aims to increase constructive engagement between communities at risk of violent extremism and criminal justice officials. We seek to improve both understanding and access to information about justice-related drivers of violent extremism. Moreover, we will enhance dialogue and collaboration between criminal justice actors and at-risk communities.

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