Somali Health

  • Somali Health promotes and supports the health and well-being of the Somali community through a range of affordable health services. They provide a range of prevention, early intervention, service coordination, treatment and support services and programs.

Manaal Relief Foundation carried out various activities:

Sensitization of communities and raising awareness

Awareness raising through sensitization sessions, awareness raising meetings, community dialogue and training workshops. MRF organized number of trainings and sessions on health and in Galmudug and Puntland States in Somalia.

Hygiene promotion sessions are also held at the household and community level to tackle crucial issues including: water hygiene, food hygiene, personal hygiene, child hygiene, female hygiene, latrine usage and cleaning, hygiene at home and environmental hygiene. The trainings include practical exercises (hand washing practice) and simple knowledge retention activities (quizzes), using an adapted version of the Participatory Hygiene and Sanitation Transformation (PHAST) methodology. Visual Aid Materials are distributed to beneficiaries during training sessions, including leaflets containing basic hygiene messages. Wherever necessary and appropriate, MRF complements these hygiene promotion sessions with distributions of extended family hygiene kits containing essential items such as soap, tooth paste, towels, and jerry cans for carrying and storing water.

Community Engagement

MRF endeavors to strengthen local knowledge and capacities in order to help communities to provide health and hygiene education and to design and implement participatory and sustainable interventions.

Mobile Health Camps

AHD initiate an intervention of mobile camps in the rural areas where people don’t have access to basic medical services in this regard to bridge the gap between formal health care system and the increasing requirements of rural communities, mobile health services have been established in some areas. In order to deliver medical care to the sick at their doorsteps, to boost the surveillance of common diseases, and to promote better health practices. Objectives of launching Mobile Health Camps was to improve access by bringing down the number of children that missed either polio vaccine or routine immunization, and provide basic medical services where basic health services are weak or not available. The response to the camps is overwhelming as to help make the people more health conscious.

 Hygiene Kits distribution

Existence of a high prevalence of water and sanitation related diseases, causing many people, children in particular, to fall ill or even die. After the family, schools are most important places of learning for children; they have a central place in the community. Schools are a stimulating learning environment for children and stimulate or initiate change. If sanitary facilities in schools are available, they can act as a model, and teachers can function as role models. Schools can also influence communities through outreach activities, since through their students; schools are in touch with a large proportion of the households in a community.

MRF Distributed hygiene kits in villages and schools Dhusamareeb in Galmudug and Garowe, Qardho and Bosaaso in Puntland State of Somalia.

 Mother and Child health Awareness

MRF has been supporting and implementing health initiatives related to reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health. Health inequities are affecting the life and future of all vulnerable groups of society across the world, creating systems of social injustice. Focusing on women and children not only because many of them suffer undue hardship, but also because women are instrumental in improving the health of their children, families and communities. Encourage action on the underlying social, behavioral and environmental factors that determine good health.

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