our values

Our Vision

To be in a world where all people live in peace, equality, prosperity and have equal access to humanitarian assistance, protection, justice, power, resources necessary to achieve their human potential.

Our Mission

To promote youth, girls and women’s rights in peace, security, protection, social justice and sustainable development by empowering and capacity strengthening through advocacy, peace building, education, training and socio-economic development.

What we stand for

• Equity and social justice
• Gender equity and women empowerment
• Good governance and accountability
• Leadership and participation
• Inclusivity and social cohesion
• Respect for Human Rights
• People centeredness

• Accountability
• Transparency
• Honesty
• Integrity
• Customer focus

• Global Peace, human security and Stability.
• Economic, Social and Political Equality.
• Humanity and Women Rights.
• Women Growth and Development
• Women Health and Prosperity

• Ensure the safety, health, education and well-being of all women.
• Promote equity and equality through advocacy and community initiatives.
• Promote the involvement of Women in technological development and innovation
• Implement enterprise development, supply chain and marketing practices that empower women
• Establish high-level corporate leadership for gender equality