Maternal and child health

Maternal and child health services

  • The maternal and child health service is staffed by maternal and child health nurses who provide support for families with young children in Dhusamareeb. All nurses have qualifications in general nursing, midwifery and maternal and child health.

New parents groups

  • This group provides an opportunity for parents with new babies to gain information and support and meet other new parents from their local area. These are held weekly for seven weeks with an evening session for partners. Groups start when the baby is two to three months old. your maternal and child health nurse will provide you with details.

Breastfeeding support

  • During COVID-19 we are offering fifteen minute face-to-face visits following a phone call from our lactation consultants for support and advice around your breastfeeding concerns. This is a directive from DHHS. These are booked appointments only to allow for extra cleaning to be implemented and to prevent cross over of clients in the clinic space. 

    Bookings essential – Please call Maternal and Child Health Centre

In-home family mentoring program

  • This program is for parents with children under six years who are experiencing challenges due to isolation, post natal depression, illness, disability or multiple births.
  • A volunteer mentor will be matched with a family to provide one-on-one support for around four hours a week for up to twelve months. Mentors can assist parents by increasing parenting confidence and connecting with other parents and community networks. Mentors also provide practical and emotional support and can help parents to get to appointments, go out for a walk or do the shopping. Families are usually referred by their maternal child health nurse or other health professionals.
  • Call 252906861229 for information or you can volunteer as an in-home family mentor.

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