Conflict, violence, insecurity and limited access to justice remain a major threat to sustainable development and have a destructive impact on a country’s development, with citizens bearing the burden of insecurity and injustice. Sustainable development goals cannot be achieved without peace, security and social justice.

In Somalia; 2.6 million People have been displaced, as conflict, insecurity, drought, and floods proliferate around the globe, often fuelled by climate change, more and more people are forced to flee their homes, with the number of displaced people now at a record high. (UNHCR, 2016).

MRF provides support to young women, girls and youth to promote and protect their rights in Peace, Security and Justice, using the UN Security Council Resolutions (UNSCR) on Women, Peace and Security as well as UNSCR  2250 and 2419 on Youth, Peace and Security as policy framework.

Our Conflict Prevention and Peace-building Program works in cohesion with young women, girls and youth of local displaced communities, IDPs, refugees and disadvantaged communities to raise their local voices in demanding better security, justice, sustainable peace and governance outcomes from local governments.

MRF empowers young women, girls and youth from conflict- and disaster-affected communities to be local leaders, peace-builders and climate change agents.

MRF’s Goal: Promote justice, peaceful and inclusive societies

We also work together with peace, security and justice sector, as well as with local communities and local civil society counter parts in Somalia and east Africa region. MRF also partnered local human rights defenders to provide legal aid and mediate conflicts.

Our work contributes directly to Sustainable Development Goals 5 and 16. MRF’s Conflict Prevention and Peace-building work and activities focuses on the following thematic area:

  • Provision of Early Warning and Response System
  • Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV)
  • Conflict Resolution Skills Training
  • Advocacy for Women’s rights in Peace and Security.
  • Strengthening Girls and Women’s access to justice
  • Good Governance
  • Counter Violent Extremisms (CVE).
  • Peace education, training and dialogue mediation
  • Legal assistance and access to justice.
  • Promoting non-violent conflict resolution mechanism
  • Reintegration of Displaced Persons

In 2020; MRF has become a Partner of Charter for Compassion (CFC), and also become a signatory of the Charter for Compassion.

MRF’s activities also include the facilitation of conflict resolution meetings, conducting training on peace building for local peace-builders and helps organize and facilitate conferences, peace exchanges that bring together local groups, local leaders, elders, and religious.
Our Programs and Projects on Women, Peace and Justice promotes feminist perspectives on peace and security by advocating for women’s participation, transforming gendered power, bridging local experience and gender analysis with global efforts and strengthening Women’s Access to Justice.


Results of Our Conflict Prevention and Peace-building work:

  • 600 youth engaged in actions to build peace and prevent conflicts.
  • 3000 citizens accessed conflict resolution and reconciliation services.
  • 7000 people gained increased access to justice.
  • Two laws, policies/strategies and plans are under development to build dialogue spaces for conflict resolution.
  • Improved activities that prevent the outbreak, escalation, continuation and recurrence of conflict,
  • MRF has launched Student Peace Clubs in some schools in Puntland, Somalia. 
  • MRF has launched its Early warning and Early Response System