Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience Building

“Climate Change Adaptation”

Somalia is prone to natural hazards such as floods, droughts, landslides, strong winds and their secondary impacts of diseases and epidemics. Droughts, floods, landslides and epidemics are the most frequent. The country is also equally prone to man-made disasters such as urban fires and water pollutions and lacks of resources for coping with the cross border issues and large-scale disasters.

MRF is a humanitarian and developmental organization dedicated to providing humanitarian assistance and disaster relief aid, protection, education, healthcare and community empowerment to Refugees,  Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), Displaced people and underprivileged local Somali communities to achieve peace, security, equality and resilience.

MRF committed to promote the lives of IDPs, refugees and underprivileged people affected by disasters in Somalia and world-wide.

“Any effort to reduce vulnerability of people and strengthen their resilience must begin at the local level.”

-Ban Ki Moon, former UN Secretary General, 2016

“The realization of the new framework depends on our unceasing and tireless collective efforts to make the world safer from the risk of disasters in the decades to come for the benefit of the present and future generations”

-Sendai Declaration at the 2015 World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction

MRF’s Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Resilience Building Program interventions aimed at preventing new and reducing existing disaster risk and mitigating the risk of displacement and increase the resilience of local communities to cope with disasters and extreme events related to climate change.MRF activities promotes local community’s human capacities to predict, adapt and respond to potential disasters and emergencies to protect and save lives and recover as resilient community.

Our Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilient Building Program seek to support all local communities including IDPs, Refugees, and host communities and Somali coastal communities in the country.

Program Objectives are included:

  • Strengthen the resilience of people most at risk;
  • Promote the environmental (reforestation) and disaster risk reduction (DRR) and (terracing, soil conservation);
  • Integrate climate change mitigation and adaptation into relevant national policies and plans;
  • Facilitate awareness building amongst Somali population to better adapt to climate change
  • Increase the preparedness against natural disasters and climate change-induced hazards(coastal erosion, sea-level rise, floods);
  • Reduce the vulnerability of the population to coastal hazards;
  • Build community-based climate resilience;
  • Find alternative livelihoods in the resettled areas and;
  • Provide shelter and non-food items.

Manaal Relief Foundation is a proud and active member of the Global Network of Civil Society Organizations for Disaster Reduction (GNDR), GNDR is the largest international network of organizations committed to working together to improve the lives of people affected by disasters world-wide.


MRF is a partner of United Nation Office for Disaster Risk Reduction- UNDRR, UNDRR convenes partners and coordinates activities to create safer, more resilient communities. MRF is also a member of the community UNDRR Stakeholder Engagement Mechanism.