Women’s Empowerment And Gender Development

Women’s empowerment and gender development is a very critical aspect of achieving gender equality. It includes increasing a woman’s sense of self-worth, her decision-making power, her access to opportunities and resources, her power and control over her own life inside and outside the home, and her ability to effect change.

MRF aims to work with local and margilized communities to realize their human rights and amplify their voices so they are included in decisions made about access to essential services. Its impact intends to be a significant and vital contribution to the poverty reduction, realisation of human rights and improved wellbeing of over 3 million people, with a focus on the most marginalized – including women and girls, LGBT people, ethnic minorities and people living with HIV.

MRF’s mission is committed to promote disadvantaged youth, children, girls and women’s rights in peace, security, protection, social justice, resilience and sustainable development by empowering and capacity strengthening through advocacy, build resilience, reduce risk, peace building, education, training and socio-economic development to realize their rights and improve their wellbeing.

This programme initiative also aims at building capacities and resources for health, education, agriculture and human rights. Through this program MRF mobilizes communities and works with existing community networks to create knowledge and awareness in order to bridge the gap between rights holders and duty bearers, to contribute to the realization of health and human rights.

MRF’s Goal:

Achieve gender equality and empowered all women and girls. 

Our Women’s Empowerment and Gender Development Program initiative’s work focuses on the following thematic areas: 

  • Strengthening Girls and Women’s access to justice
  • Advocacy for Women’s rights in Peace and Security.
  • Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV)
  • Women empowerment and social justice
  • Community Health Protection
  • Skills and entrepreneurship development
  • Youth development and empowerment
  • Gender equity and development
  • Leadership and governance

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